Where did you stay last night
3530 Hastings Street
Detroit, MI, 1951
Krazy Kat KK 816
Eddie Burns, vcl/hca; John Lee Hooker, gtr/speech; Unknown, gtr; Unknown, dms
Produced by
Joe Von Battle
Krazy Kat KK 816
Body & Soul BS2500, Flyright FLY CD 23
Title sold to Gotham by Joe Van Battle on July 25 1951.
Many of the early Joe Von Battle productions in Detroit were done in Battle’s Record Shop at 3530 Hastings Street. Battle was responsible for re-selling several of the very first Elmer Barbee pseudonym recordings to different record companies. Barbee had quit as Hooker’s manager by 1951. Battle, though, was some kind of ”agent” for Hooker up until the 1960s.