Cold chills all over me

Alternate titles
Cold chills, I got drunk

MM 1797 

United Sound Systems
Detroit, MI, 1952

Original release
Modern 862

John Lee Hooker, vcl/gtr;  Buddy Johnson, org;  3rd vcl and unk xyl overdubbed

Produced by
Bernard "Bernie" Besman

78 rpm
Modern 862

45 rpm
Modern 862

America Records 30 AM 6068, Bellaphon BLS5523, Crown CLP 5157, Doxy DOY638, Greene Bottle LP 3130, Kent KST 559, United Superior US 7725, United Superior US 7769

Acrobat ACQCD 7103, Body & Soul BS2500, Documents 600258, Official 86065, Real Gone Music Company RGMCD213, Timeless Classic Albums DOLCD0475

Bernard ”Bernie” Besman was the producer of Hooker’s singles for Modern and Sensation from 1948-1952 at United Sound Systems Studios on 5840 2nd Boulevard in Detroit, with studio owner James Siracuse’s son Joe Siracuse as engineer. From late 1952 (when Besman moved to California) Joe Bihari from Modern and Joe Siracuse took care of the productions.
